Call for Mini-symposium Sessions

Mini-symposium: The role of design optimization in modern structures: from shape to structural details.

Symposium Chairs: Valentina Tomei, University Niccolò Cusano – Rome, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering,, Ernesto Grande, University Guglielmo Marconi – Rome, Department of Engineering Sciences,, and Maura Imbimbo, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering – Italy,

Description: Nowadays, optimization techniques play an important role in the conception of modern structures. They allow to merge structural and architectural features in complex design processes leading to fascinating and efficient solutions. The mini symposium welcomes contributions regarding techniques and tools for the design optimization of structures and their use to different types of structural typologies. These may include, but are not limited to, form finding, shape, topology and size optimization techniques, genetic algorithms, grid-shells, diagrid systems, etc..